Hello (@@:acct:enam@@):

Thank you for using China Holiday Tours Travel Network.

You have not paid for the car rental order that has been successfully reserved below.

Please pay before the deadline to avoid automatic cancellation.

Reference number: @@:txref@@

Alamo Order Number: @@:cfmid@@

Payment Deadline: @@:pydldt:0d@@

Pick-up time: @@:otdt:0d@@

Pick-up place: @@:otlocnm@@

Drop-off time: @@:rtdt:0d@@

Drop-off place: @@:rtlocnm@@

*Pick up/Drop off time according to local time.

Model: @@:vehcode@@ - @@:vehname@@

Driver Information:

Name: @@:drenam@@

E-mail: @@:email@@

China Holiday Tours Travel Network